#HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge is 2 weeks in!

Have you jumped into the 97 day Fitness challenge with us?!

YYessss!!! A shout out to everyone who has joined the #HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge in the last couple weeks! Notice I didn’t say “ladies”.... believe it or not we’ve had a few fellas out there tagging their fitness and wellness Instagram stories with #HCFC too!

“What is the Hitschix Fitness Challenge”

At #HITS973 we all have the same goals you do... We spend our days sitting, we have crazy schedules, and we make lotssss of excuses. But, what we have noticed is when we set goals and accomplish them together, we’re all so much more successful!

All you have to do to participate in the #HCFC is do ONE..yes... just ONEEE kind/healthy thing for yourself every single day and post it on your Instagram story. Tag @onairwithdia @KimmyBofficial @itskelbinlive or #HCFC in your post so we can share it in our stories! By posting your part in the challenge and keeping up ourselves... we’re creating an environment that helps us all stay on track and keeps us all accountable!

Obviously we all have different goals but, by making the challenge 97 days long it gives us plenty of time to set goals and accomplish them.

Yes.. some days are harder than others. Some days we make prettyyy mediocre choices (Like the bag of BBQ chips I just ate) and other days we drink all our water and we’re on top of the world!!! The idea is that everyday is a new one and we all have a chance to jump back on, stress free, and keep working toward that finish line.

Follow us, tag us, do this for you, start today!

<3 Dia