#DirtyAt30 - Ariana Grande... Cancelling Her Sweetener Tour Plans?

Major news for the Arianators as Ariana Grande is revealing future plans for her upcoming SWEETENER WORLD TOUR.

If you were apart of her fan base who bought access to presale tickets when you bought her album, you might want to find that email… print it out… and rip it up.

Because it looks like Ariana is NOT going to be going on tour…

An Arianator posted a meme that read
"Why buy the new iPhones when you can save that money for Meet and Greet for Ariana's next tour"?

In a now deleted tweet she replied back saying “u gonna be saving for a looooooooooong time”

Which is understandable. First the Manchester Bombing last year… which one of the key people in her life to lean on during that time was Mac Miller. And now he’s gone as well.

Girl just needs major therapy, group hugs and a lot of love.