#DirtyAt30 - Can You Keep With The Royals? Meghan Markle Must Follow THESE Royal Rules

The buzz of the Royal Wedding has come and gone, but now that Meghan Markle is officially a ROYAL she is going to have to give up some rights… and by rights, I really mean this woman just gave up a whole bunch of things that some people would NEVER dream to give up!

For instance… her life just became incredibly ordered, filled with a seemingly endless amount of etiquette that she can NOT cross.

She will never be allowed to take selfies with fans. The reason? The royal family encourages people to make EYE contact and make convo with royals, instead of turning their backs (which is also a huge no no) to take a selfie.

Another thing Meghan cannot do is give out autographs… she can no longer have social media (which she had already given up last year)…

Meghan can no longer have dark nail colored nails… in fact she can’t even wear COLORED nail polish in general, just natural looking ones.

And now that she’s royalty, Meghan also can’t wear miniskirts… because the Queen disapproves of hemlines higher than an ich or two above the knee. She also can’t wear wedges… because the queen DEPISES them.

She must ALWAYS eat at 830 at night with dinner ending at 10pm. And when it comes to eating… NO ONE is allowed to eat until the Queen has started hers. Also, she has to STOP when the Queen stops. So that means, you’re basically playing a game of SIMON SAYS.

So … would you be able to keep up with the Royal Family!?