We’re in the middle of Week 4! #HCFC

Today is the PERFECT day for you to start!

Yesterday it was an Empanada, today it was a bite of Publix Key Lime Pie (Which is delicious by the way...) the point is, life happens and saying no to everything gets exhausting! Having gotten that part out of the way I think the best thing to focus on this week is “imperfection.”

I know it's intimidating to start a "Fitness Challenge" because the idea of failure, not seeing results, or not completing the challenge can be embarrassing... right?! The thing about the #HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge (#HCFC ) is that the goal is to "keep at it" Period.

It’s okay to fall off, to have that cookie, to skip a few days at the gym, and it’s also AWESOME to hop back on the band wagon and jump right back into the challenge. The whole point of posting pictures, tagging us, and seeing this bada** community participating in the challenge is to feel empowered! You might take a few days off, but getting back on and seeing everyone working hard gets you motivated! And luckily for them, when life gets hectic you’re working hard to help keep them on track too.

No one can be YOU better than you...You get to decide what the best version  of yourself looks like. No matter what day of the week tomorrow is when you're reading this, it might just be the PERFECT day for you to grab a water bottle and work hard to drink a full gallon! Or maybe take your dog on a long walk!  Dont start at 1, jump into the challenge at whatever day we're on and keep moving forward by our side! We hope you feel compelled to take a photo, tag #HCFC, and keep at it with us. ❤️



@onairwithdia  @kimmybofficial @itskelbinlive @hits973

PS. Wearing my skinniest and skinny jeans today and it feels awesome to fit in them. Can’t wait to hear about you getting to wear yours too!