Week 3 of the HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge is here! Let’s do it!

Join the #HCFC today!

Week 3 is here and that means everyone who kicked off the #HITSCHIX FITNESS CHALLENGE on September 1st has been killlinngg it for almost 17 days!

Super exciting if you have... but, also really exciting if you HAVEN’T because we’re just getting started! Remember that the challenge is 97 days long... leading right up to the holidays! Whether your goal is to lose weight, create better habits, drink more water, or just find something healthy and fun to do with your friends and family this is IT!

We know how hard it is to workout or make healthy changes alone, so by taking pictures and videos in your IG stories and tagging @onairwithdia @kimmybofficial @itskelbinlive and #HCFC we’re reposting everyone’s efforts and creating a community where we’re all doing this together!

Nothing is more exciting than seeing results! Plus keeping each other consistent & accountable really helps!

Even spearheading this fitness journey.. Kimmy B, Kelbin, and I have faced our own struggles! That bag of chips with you’re hungry... being too tired (or lets face it, lazy) to head the gym, and struggling to battle a cold and crazy work schedule don’t making it easy to meet your goals... BUT... the challenge is only keeping you accountable for ONE POSITIVE thing every day... it’s not tallying up any negatives! So jump in, join the challenge, and start doing ONE KIND AND HEALTHY thing for yourself everyday to make a difference in your life.

We are so excited to continue to share our experiences, favorite foods, least favorite workouts, and every other part of the #HCFC with you..hopefully you tag us and share your #HCFC journey with us too!
