Week 6 of the #HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge is here!

Get back on board or start your fitness challenge today!

Week 6 of the beloved #HITSCHIX Fitness Challenge is here and yesssss, I obviously say “beloved” with a grain of salt!

The truth us...staying committed is NOT easy! I don’t know about your job but here.. we’ve had pizza, fried chicken and waffles, a food tasting event, and donuts in front of us in the last 5 days! But... what I loved about the community we’ve all built together and the #HCFC itself is how motivated I always feel to put in a little extra work and get on track.

Not gonna lie.. I caved more than once this week. But I also drank more water than I ever have before. I went on a run more times than I had during week 4. And overall, I’m starting to see changes in my daily routine and choices I make while out on my own, with friends, or even grocery store shopping. That’s enough to make me excited about the rest of the challenge and proud of myself for feeling this way!

While we’re already moving into week 6 and some #HITSCHIX have lost over 10 lbs! (SO PROUD OF YOU LADIES  BY THE WAY!!!) I am also SOO proud of those of you who are just starting to jump in too! I love those posts on long walks with your dogs, pics of the yummiest smoothie bowls you’re making from home, and even the recipe’s sooo tasty you want to share with other #HCFC members!

Hop on the bang wagon! Share your success, share your struggles, and know we’re hanging in there with you!

