Adele confirms new album, '30,' will be out November 19

After literally years of speculation, we finally know when Adele will gift us with a new album: November 19. The album is called 30, as long suspected.

On Instagram, Adele has penned a lengthy missive about her impending release.

"I was certainly nowhere near when I'd hoped to be when I first started it nearly three years ago," Adele writes of the album. "Quite the opposite, really. I rely on routine and consistency to feel safe...and yet there I was knowingly -- willingly, even, throwing myself into a maze of absolute mess and inner turmoil!"

Adele goes on to say that she's learned "a lot of blistering truths about my self along the way," and that she's also "never felt more peaceful in my life".  As a result, she notes, "I'm ready to finally put this album out."

Adele says that the album was her "ride or die during the most turbulent period of my life," and compared it the type of friend who's always there for you to cheer you up, hold your hand, pick you up and get you out of the house and give you the best advice.

She also compares 30 to "that friend who...checked in on my even though I'd stop checking in with them because I'd become so consumed by my own grief." She concludes, "I've painstakingly rebuilt my house and my heart since them and this album narrates it. Home is where the heart is."

The first single from 30, "Easy on Me," arrives on Friday.

Adele is now 33, but as she recently told British Vogue, she was 30 when her "whole life fell apart" due to her divorce.